EN :: Countering Professional Burnout

Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash

Burnout is a significant issue for IT professionals, one that isn’t talked about often. As I’ve noticed, newcomers don’t really consider this issue, because the desire to have a job and solve work tasks is stronger than the overall planning of their career path. Understandably so, I’ve been there too. Nevertheless, everyone who has gone through burnout (successfully or not) understands that the problem exists and it needs to be discussed.

I believe that knowing and adhering to a strategy that helps counter burnout in advance, in order to maintain productivity and (more importantly) take care of your health, is the right decision for a specialist.

Читать далее EN :: Countering Professional Burnout

EN :: Continuous Learning


For several months, I was a mentor in a Python backend development course. For me, this was a great, albeit unpaid, opportunity to develop my soft skills in dealing with beginners. For one of the meetings with the students, I prepared a speech in which I shared my experience of learning and overcoming problems.

Today I will discuss one of the points from that speech. The topic in the headline is «Continuous Learning».

Читать далее EN :: Continuous Learning