Whiskey Emoji

  • Build a blog from yaml?
  • Write notes in markdown?
  • No databases?
  • Custom themes?
  • Localisation support?
  • Developer friendly?
# post.md
title: "Yet Another Whiskey Blog"
date: "2024-08-02"
summary: "Welcome to the Whiskey Blog!"
  - demo
  - post
  - hello
Hello world!  

You have successfully launched Whiskey Blog! 
Configure your `config.yaml` file and add your posts.  

[Example Link](https://example.com/)
# config.yaml
  name: "My Personal Space"
  title: "Yet Another Whiskey Blog"
  theme: "default"
  language: "en"

  enabled: true
  author: "John Doe"
  bio: "**Whiskey lover**, DJ, Artist, Programmer"

Easy for posting, right? Easy for config, huh?

Yes, it's whiskey blog.